The upcoming movie titled “Therachaapa,” Directed by Joyal George and Produced by Kailash Durga under Ananya Creations and Harithavanam Entertainment, features Navin Raj Sankarapu and Pooja Suhasini in pivotal roles. The film also stars actors like Jagadeesh Pratap Bandari, Rajiv Kanakala, Rakhi, Naga Mahesh, Prithviraj, Fish Venkat, Ashok Jabardasth, Nagesh Jabardasth, Apparao Jabardasth, Rajesh Bhupathi, and Srinivas. The team is determined to deliver a successful film and is eagerly awaiting its release, with the director expressing confidence in the story, screenplay, and production values.
Director: Joyal George
Producer: Kailash Durgam
Production Company: Ananya Creations, Harithavanam Entertainment
Music: Prajwal Krish
Lyrics: Middhe Manoj Kumar
Cinematography: Azeem- Venkat
Stunts: Raj Kumar
Choreography: Jeevan George
Art: Charan
Makeup: Anil Komira
Costume Designer: Boddhu Amulya
Editor: Bodisingi Raju
DI: Dolly Shekhar
PRO: Madhu VR
Chief Associate Director: Jeevan George
Associate Director: Jayaraj Aniruddhan
Spot Edit: Mahesh Bandoju