Mr. TG Vishwa Prasad donates 25 lakhs to TG Relief Fund


Mr. TG Vishwa Prasad, Donates 25 lakhs to fight corona
Mr. Vishwa Prasad expressed his pleasure at the measures implemented by the Telangana government to control the spread of the corona virus and went on to say, ‘All the employees of People Tech and People Media Factory donated one day worth of their salaries. We matched the number and decided to donate it to the Telangana CM COVID-19 relief fund to contribute to their great efforts. I request everyone to stay at home, follow the rules and cooperate with the officials.’ He went on to express his heartfelt thanks to the medical professionals, police department and all the other essential workers for their tireless efforts during this difficult time. Mr. TG Vishwa Prasad was accompanied by Mr. Vivek Kuchibhotla, his co-producer at People Media Factory.