Young protagonist and senior director Kodanda Ramireddy’s son Vaibhava’s latest movie ‘Aalambana’ is slated to be released in theatres on December 15 simultaneously in Telugu and Tamil. Parvathy Nair has been cast opposite the hero. Murali Sharma played a primary role. Directed by Pari K Vijay and presented by Kotapadi J Rajesh, the film is produced by KJR Studios and Koustubh Entertaiment. Ganga Entertainments is bringing this movie to the Telugu audience. The film is about a young man born rich. Unfortunately, owing to circumstances, his family loses all their ancestral property. From a palace-like mansion, they literally descend into poverty. In such a situation, on an auspicious occasion, a genie steps into the hero’s life. What happens after that? How does the genie help the hero? That’s what the film is about. “We have made this film to entertain the audience. The situations faced by the hero and his family are hilarious. Along with entertainment, you can expect strong content that will appeal to all sections of the audience. The love story between the hero and heroine will be an awesome feature. The songs will also impress the audience big-time,” the makers said. Cast: Vaibhav, Parvathy Nair, Murali Sharma, Munishkant, Dindigul I Leoni, Pandiyaraj, Anandraj, Kabir Singh, Kali Venkat, Robo Shankar. Crew: Choreography: Sheriff; Editor: San Lokesh; Stunt Director: Peter Hein; Art Director: Gopi Anand; Cinematographer: Vinoth Rathinasamy; Music Director: Hip Hop Tamizha; Production House: Koustubh Entertainment – KJR Studios; Release: Ganga Entertainments; Direction: Pari K Vijay