Much awaited ‘Yatra 2’ is a Mahi V Raghav directorial collectively produced by Three Autumn Leaves, V Celluloids and Shiva Meka. The film comprises Malayalam Superstar Mammootty in YS Rajasekhar Reddy’s role and Kollywood Star Jiiva in YS Jagan’s role. The film has been progressing it’s shoot in a brisk pace. Makers are making arrangements to release the film worldwide on a grand note on 8th February. On Friday, 5th January makers unveiled the teaser of ‘Yatra 2’.
‘Yatra 2’ Teaser opens with a emotional yet hearttouching scene which laid foundation for the political entry of YS Jagan (Jiiva) as the son of YS Rajasekhar Reddy (Mammootty). Then the teaser explores what obstacles were created for YS Jagan when he decided to start ‘Odarpu Yatra’ to console people who are facing unbearable loss of the death of their father figure YS Rajasekhar Reddy. ‘Yatra 2’ effectively showcases how Jagan fought those obstacles and emerged as triumph in 2019 elections becoming Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh. Director Mahi explores the political landscape of Andhra Pradesh from 2009-2019 in ‘Yatra 2’. While Mahesh Manjrekar is playing the role of Nara Chandrababu Naidu, Suzanne Bernard is playing the role of Sonia Gandhi and Ketaki Narayanan will be seen as YS Bharathi in the film.
‘Yatra’ explored the walkathon of YS Rajasekhar Reddy and its consequences. The film resonated well with the audience emerging as a winner. Now, ‘Yatra 2’ will continue the events after ‘Yatra’. While Yatra was released on 8th February, 2019, makers are releasing Yatra 2 on the same date, 8th February, 2024.
‘Yatra 2’ is being filmed on a brisk pace heading towards its completion very soon. Madhie is the cinematographer and Santosh Narayanan is providing music for the film.