ToLet Board for Janasena Party Office


On the off chance that the most recent reports are to be accepted, Janasena party office in Guntur has been emptied. This is a major hit to Janasena as the gathering does not have an office in whole Guntur region now. Purportedly, Janasena pioneers hosted to clear the gathering workplaces in a different locale, attributable to the absence of assets and backing from the gathering central leadership.

The way that Janasena does not host get-together workplaces in numerous regions

ToLet Board for Janasena Party Office
ToLet Board for Janasena Party Office

is stressing the gathering powers now. After the race, Pawan Kalyan extraordinarily referenced that he would begin chipping away at structure party workplaces in every single gathering voting public in the state. Be that as it may, there has been no advancement in such manner for some time now.