Tamil movie ‘Ghosty’ has top heroine Kajal Aggarwal, senior heroine Radhika Sarath Kumar and Kollywood actor Yogi Babu in lead roles. Directed by Kalyan. Ganga Entertainments is bringing this film to the Telugu audience. The film will be released in Telugu and Tamil languages on the occasion of Ugadi.
Kajal Aggarwal played a dual role in this film. She will be seen in two roles, one as a Police and other as Heroine. The film team informed that there is a lot of difference between the two and what is the relationship between the souls and Kajal’s characters. The film team says that Sam CS’s music is the main pillar of the film, which will entertain the audience while making them laugh out loud.
Starring: K S Ravikumar, Ridin King Slay, Thangadorai, Jagan, Urvashi, Satyan, Aadu Kalan Naren, Manobala, Rajendran, Santana Bharti, Devadarshini and others.