Chintalaludi Venkataramaiah, who challenged from Pendurthi supporters on Janasena ticket in the recent election has joined in YSRCP today. The senior head referred to Pawan Kalyan’s rebound to motion pictures as the explanation for his choice to leave the gathering and joining in YSRCP.
Additionally, Peddisetty Usha Sree, who is a key chief for Janasena in Vizag West supporters participated in the decision party today. The Janasena pioneers met with YSRCP leader, Vijayasai Reddy today and participated in the decision party. Unexpectedly, even TDP senior pioneer from Pulivendula, Satish Reddy joined in YSRCP today.
It looks like YSRCP is constantly getting strengthened with the leaders from different parties. Let us hope that they won’t get back into other political parties.