HomeEntertainment"Operation Raavan" special poster released on the occasion of young hero Rakshit...

“Operation Raavan” special poster released on the occasion of young hero Rakshit Atluri’s birthday

Young actor Rakshit Atluri gained recognition as a talented young hero with the film “Palasa 1978”. His new film “Operation Raavan” is another one with a different storyline. Sangeerthana Vipin is acting as the heroine in this film. Dhyan Atluri is producing this film under Sudhas Media banner. Director Venkata Satya is making this new age action-suspense thriller.

On the occasion of hero Rakshit Atluri’s birthday, a special poster of this movie was released on Monday. The poster with a design of Rakshit running is captioned ‘Your thoughts are your enemies’. “Operation Raavan” is attracting interest in the background of the success of action and thriller trend movies. The film is getting its final touches and is gearing up for release next month.