Is Rohit Sharma not happy with Kohli?


It was said that all isn’t well between Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli. Bits of gossip were overflowing that the team were engaged with a warmed contention post the semi-last catastrophe on the planet cup.

Both Rohit and Kohli had explained that there is no crack between them, yet the gossipy tidbits continued surfacing once in a while.

Be that as it may, Rohit has at long last put a conclusion to these theories with his most recent remarks on Virat Kohli subsequent to setting up a staggering presentation in the test arrangement against South Africa.

“I want to thank the commander, Virat Kohli, and the instructing division. I could perform so very well on account of the help I got from them,” he said.

All things considered, this is the first run through Rohit is freely talking about Virat Kohli after the arrangement of theories.